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Archive Collections


Archive books and some parts of the Archives' collections can be searched for in the library catalog. Do a search in MBI Books + and limit your results by Location to Crowell Archives.

More information about the Archives and its collections, including finding aids and indexes, can be found on the MBI Archive LibGuide.

To access materials in the Archives make an appointment with the archivist.


Biographical Files

The Archives contain over 1,300 biographical files and 1,200 photograph files of people associated with D.L. Moody and/or Moody Bible Institute.

Additionally, there are collections for many of the former presidents of the Institute including D.L. Moody, R.A. Torrey, and James Gray. More details regarding the D.L. Moody Collection can be found on the Dwight L. Moody Collection page.


Moody Bible Institute History

Records and documents of the Chicago Evangelization Society (CES) comprise some of the earliest sources that chronicle the beginnings of the Institute from 1886–1899.

MBI began as part of the Chicago Evangelization Society under the name The Bible Institute for Home and Foreign Missions; it was renamed Moody Bible Institute in 1900 following the death of D.L. Moody.

The Archives houses records and information documenting the growth and activities of the various departments of MBI including the Education, Alumni, and President's Offices. It also houses collections for associated ministries including Moody Press, Moody Radio, Moody Monthly, and the Moody Institute of Science.


Special Collections

Historic Books

The Archives houses books and pamphlets that pertain to D.L. Moody and his associates, Moody Bible Institute, and nineteenth-century revivalism. All books and pamphlets in the Archives can be found by searching the library catalog.

The Moodyana Collection includes a comprehensive set of books by and about D.L. Moody. It contains more than 80 full-length biographies (including various printings) and more than 25 full-length dissertations and theses that have been written about Moody. There is also a comprehensive collection of Ira D. Sankey hymn and song books.


Historic Bibles

The Archives have numerous historic Bibles in its collection in many languages including English, Dutch, French, German, Danish, Hebrew, and Greek. Some are unique for their hand painted artwork and carvings, which were trademark features of Bibles produced before the advent of modern mass printing, while others are unique for being first or early editions.


Foreign language Bibles

The Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book in the world. The Foreign Language Bibles Collection contains more than 180 Bibles in more than 100 languages. These Bibles can be searched for in the library catalog and can be accessed via the Archives or Information Desk.


Hymnal Collection

The Crowell Library and the Archives combined contain approximately 1,850 hymnals. We house one of the largest collections of gospel hymn resources in the United States. In addition to hymnals and songbooks the collection contains sheet music, hymnal companions, biographies, and resources related to American hymnody. A large portion of the collection can be found in the southwest corner of the library while a smaller selection is housed in the Archives.


Other Resources & Repositories